About Us

HC44-CoachProfileHello! I’m Joanne, Jojo for short. Due to the long hours and strict deadlines at work, juggling children’s schedules, PTA mom activities (now a homeschool momma), being a chauffeur, cook, and eating out frequently, it caused me to experience a number of health issues and lack of energy. I was diagnosed with PCOS, being overweight, prediabetic, migraine headaches with auras, and experienced stroke like symptoms which was extremely concerning since I had young children. In addition, my youngest daughter was experiencing food sensitivities and I felt so overwhelmed with the information I found online that I did not how to help her and myself successfully or even where to start. These concerns really made me evaluate my health and the choices I was making for the health of my family.

Through years of education and hands-on training, I was able to obtain a better understanding of how our bodies work, why we eat the way we do, and how to avoid or completely eliminate flare-ups. The personal success my family experienced really motivated me to share my knowledge and experiences with others. This decision has made such an amazing impact on my life and those that I’ve shared the functional method with. I love working with busy moms.

Are you a busy person who feels tired, bloated, and unhappy with your body? Do you struggle with your disordered eating, feel bloated a majority of the time or have other GI discomforts, and want to regain your energy and confidence? If so, you need a nutritionist who understands your challenges and can help you transform and thrive. I specialize in eating disorders, female metabolic health, PCOS, Eczema, and creating quick family-friendly recipes. Whether you want to feel better about yourself or boost your mood, I can help you get there. Schedule a discover call with me today and let’s start your journey to a healthier and happier you!

Let food be thy medicine & medicine be thy food.

Hi, I am Deanne. When I’m not touching base with clients or working with insurance companies here at the office, I am spending my time with my two boys and husband. I have not only gone through my own health challenges and food sensitivities, but know the experience another mother is going through when your children need extra support with their health challenges. We are a team of moms here to support parents and their families, and I look forward to welcoming you to our family.

Where We Serve

Serving throughout the US, virtually. Unfortunately due to current state licensing laws, we do not serve those that live in the following: AL AR, ID, IL, KS, MS, MO, MN, NE, NV, OH, OK, RI, SC, TN, WV, DC, WI, and WY

The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with NUTRITION.

Thomas Edison

DSWI_New_Logo Joanne received her Master Health Coach Certification from the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, founded by world-renowned physician and author, Dr. William Sears. The Institute is a leader in science-based health and wellness education that focuses on the four pillars of health: Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition (L.E.A.N.). A certification by the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute is obtained only after completing the extensive course work and meeting all requirements. Once certified, a Health Coach possesses the knowledge, tools, and resources to make a positive difference in the health of others.

She also obtained her Master’s Degree in Clinical Nutrition from Sonoran University of Health Sciences. Where she studied nutrigenomics to botanicals, and gained advanced knowledge in personalized nutrition and natural health.